Mask Blogging

This may look like I’m desperate for content but I know for a fact that certain readers will find this amusing. Certainly the first picture will bring back fond memories for some. I’m experimenting with the use of masks to keep birds away from stealing all the grapes off our grape vine …..

Fox mask

old man mask

… it’s a bit early to tell whether it’s working.

UPDATE: It does seem to be working, the grapes are very close to being ready to eat and they’re mostly still there. Not much sign of bird activity (though the regular visits by the infamous cat that wears a bib may be a factor in that as well.)

3 replies on “Mask Blogging”

  1. Derek says:

    If these don’t work, hang out your Barry Crocker album sleeve collection: enough to scare the pants off any living creature!

  2. Beesharp says:

    Hey Stu! I’ve popped over from Miss J’s cyber world. Just clicked on the link to the String Coffee Table. Guess it’s not actually some kind of macramé-sculpture lovers blog … B.

  3. Stu says:

    Well, readers stray into the Maths/Physics section at their own risk!

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